[CLOSED]Analystes de données: Démasquer la désinformation, les discours de haine et l’incitation à la haine au Sahel

[CLOSED]Analystes de données: Démasquer la désinformation, les discours de haine et l’incitation à la haine au Sahel

Postes au Mali et dans d’autres pays francophones du Sahel (Burkina Faso, Tchad, Mauritanie, Niger ou au Sénégal) Souhaitez-vous contribuer à la lutte contre la désinformation et les discours de haine en ligne dans la région du Sahel ?Code for Africa (CfA) a...
[CLOSED]Data Analysts: Unmask disinformation,hate speech, and incitement in the Sahel

[CLOSED]Data Analysts: Unmask disinformation,hate speech, and incitement in the Sahel

Positions in Mali and other francophone Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mauritania, Niger, or Senegal) Do you want to help fight misinformation and online hate speech in the Sahel region? Code for Africa (CfA) has immediate vacancies for two full-time roles in Mali and...
[CLOSED]News Editor: Lead A Dynamic Pan-African Newsroom Combating Misinformation

[CLOSED]News Editor: Lead A Dynamic Pan-African Newsroom Combating Misinformation

Positions in: AFRICA Come help us debunk misinformation and counter hate speech by managing Africa’s largest fact-checking newsroom Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time News Editor to coordinate our multinational PesaCheck fact-checking team....