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Come build digital democracies with Code for Africa.[CLOSED]Appel à candidatures : Rejoignez les journalistes pour endiguer les informations peu fiables / fausses informations au Mali
Souhaitez-vous contribuer à la lutte contre les fausses informations au Mali ? Code for Africa (CfA), à travers son réseau phare, l'Alliance africaine de vérification des faits (AFCA), offre des bourses à une nouvelle cohorte de journalistes et/ou aux...
[CLOSED]Call for applications: Join journalists to fact-check unreliable/inaccurate information in Mali
Do you want to help counter falsehoods in Mali? Code for Africa (CfA), through its flagship network, the African Fact-checking Alliance (AFCA), is offering stipend-based fellowships to a new cohort of journalists and fact-checkers based in Mali. The fellowship aims to...
[CLOSED]IoT Engineer: Come Fight Climate Change Through Tech
Do you want to join a dynamic team developing low-cost sensors to monitor environmental pollution, and fight climate change? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time IoT Engineer in Nigeria to join the sensors.AFRICA team Candidates must have...
Community Coordinator: Help us use drones and sensors to drive change Africa
Position in: Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania or Uganda Do you want to grow our network of drone pilots and sensor specialists in Africa? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time community coordinator anywhere in Africa to join our...
[CLOSED]E-learning Course Developer: Help create impactful e-learning experiences
Position in: Anywhere in Africa Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a mid-level role as an E-learning Course Developer with strong pedagogical expertise and extensive experience in curriculum creation using e-learning technologies. The candidate...
[CLOSED]AI Manager: Accelerate Social Impact through Ethical AI
Are you passionate about applying cutting-edge generative AI technologies to build real-life solutions to accelerate social impact in Africa? Code for Africa (CfA) has immediate vacancies for a full-time AI Manager anywhere in Africa to join our civic technology lab...
[CLOSED]Communities Senior Programme Manager: Come Grow Code For Africa’s Communities
Positions in: anywhere in Africa Do you want to cultivate positive, collaborative and impact-driven communities amongst media actors, technologists, scientists, data analysts and researchers in Africa? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time...
[CLOSED]Community Coordinator: Help Grow Our Communities In Africa
Position in: Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania or Uganda Do you want to help us nurture CfA’s network of journalists, data analysts and technologists in Africa? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time bilingual Community...
[CLOSED]Digital Security Manager: Protect Progress, Empower Change
Do you want to champion the digital safety and resilience of changemakers across the African continent? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time Digital Security Manager in Kenya to join our civic technology lab (TechLab) to help build security...
[CLOSED]Device Security Engineer: Drive security innovations
Do you want to champion the digital safety and resilience of changemakers across the African continent? Code for Africa (CfA) has an immediate vacancy for a full-time Device Security Engineer in Nairobi, Kenya, to join our civic technology lab (TechLab) to help...